Your portfolio should be as tailored as your wardrobe. Through concise and clear communication, we take the time to learn about your unique goals and needs.
Our priority is to help you make informed decisions about the components of your portfolio, and the ongoing tax implications of your plan. Our approach uses a wealth of resources and weighs several factors, such as goals and time horizons, but has one clear objective: to create a stronger portfolio that suits your lifestyle.
Through a careful analysis of your risk tolerance, our intent is to provide a successful investment experience. A diversified portfolio will deliver relatively predictable results while providing opportunities for growth over the long term.
At EsqWealth, we partner with Johnson Dunn Capital Advisors to implement an excellent strategy for portfolio management. We also utilize BlackRock’s tools to help build, customize, and manage client portfolios, compare portfolios and funds, or stress test and analyze portfolios across many angles – performance, cost, risk, and more. To learn more about our alliances, please click here.
Here are some questions you should ask about your portfolio:
- Are you paying too much in commissions and fees with your current advisor or investment platform?
- Does your portfolio match your tolerance for risk?
- Are you aware of the best 401k investments, and have selected the best options?
- Is your portfolio protected against taxes and inflation?
- Are you properly diversified?
We are happy to help you answer these questions.