Generally speaking, the time demands on lawyers can be exhausting if not overwhelming, whether you are an associate at a big law firm trying to make partner, a partner at any size firm meeting the needs of your clients, or a solo-practitioner working in a contingency-fee practice trying to knock one out of the park. On top of the legal hours billed to clients, you are also expected to spend time on client development, professional growth, and continuing legal education, leaving little to no time for your loved ones let alone financial planning. At EsqWealth, we know first-hand how these demands on your time and cash-flow fluctuations can negatively impact your long-term financial planning. With decades of both life experience and of experience in the financial, tax, and estate-planning industries, the professionals at EsqWealth can help you navigate the financial waters to help you achieve your financial goals while you grow your legal career or spend more time with your loved ones.